Clarity Workshops and Strategic Mentoring for the Entrepreneurial Journey

Support and creative problem solving for entrepreneurs

Our mentoring and Clarity Workshops can help you to form a better understanding of what you are doing, the important WHY of the work, and clarity on your next steps.

We act as an external perspective, helping you see your landscape within a business personal context, and help you connect with your power sources within your vision and business.

We can work through challenges you are facing, as well as setting good groundwork (eg creating a business model or Theory of Change) for your work. 

Clarity Workshops can help when going through transitions and evolutions in your business, and refining or pivoting what you are offering. They are also supportive when you are moving from one level to another in your entrepreneurial work. 

Find clarity on your purpose and direction

Get an external perspective on your work

Step forward with purpose

How we work together

We act as a thinking partner, a design frameworks guide, a creativity facilitator, and most importantly, your ally in getting crystal clear with where you are and where you’re going.

Over our video session, we create a shared digital board, and guide you through supportive questions, explorations, structured activities and right-brain activating exercises. 

All you have to do is bring the tea, relax, and talk. We take all the notes, work the whiteboard, and at the end after our session, we summarise insights and share the whole digital space over to you. 

We can focus on any topic you choose, from design through technical questions, to brand strategy, business models, and impact models… often we are helping people with their thoughts, ideas and mental model of their work and where they are going, and it encompasses all of the above.

There’s always uniting threads and themes we can pull out and turn into clarity and meaningful next steps. 

What do Clarity Workshops achieve?

We have used Clarity Workshops to help people:

  • Change careers
  • Launch a new product or service
  • Create a brand story and journey
  • Get a higher perspective on a complex challenge
  • Start providing social impact services
  • Plan the development of an app
  • Re-evaluate and evolve their business model, and more…

We have also been able to assist people see where their opportunities and power lies, make network connections and share resources for next steps.

And we don’t forget fun and energy in the process.

“Starting a business is hard enough but with Lara’s help I was able to navigate and anticipate road bumps whilst maintaining momentum on the journey. She is fabulous at providing creative clarity and design counselling, whilst doing it in such a compassionate and empathetic way. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Lara as a mentor.”
– Dr Georgie Buckley

We allow serendipity to be a part of the process.

Ready to find clarity and direction?

Reach out here if you have any questions, or book a session right away through our Calendly.